The show is taking place at the Palace Theatre and it’s only a short run taking place until Saturday 18th May so make sure you don’t miss it!
Played by Henry Lewis and Jonathan Sayer, also known for the global hit “The Play That Goes Wrong” and the BBC series “The Goes Wrong Show” has returned with the new show “Mind Mangler: Member of the Tragic Circle” which is at the Palace Theatre.
The performance, which consists of two cast members on stage, engages with the audience before the show even starts. Not only that, but audience participation throughout the show takes the show to new heights, making you gasp for breath after laughing so hard.
Taking no prisoners in the audience with audience participation, so if you think sitting at the back will get you away from taking part, you're wrong! the Mind Mangler starts his journey by attempting to read your mind, mind, mind…. as we witness the tragic rather than magic tricks on stage.
If you are in Manchester this week, join the Mind Mangler to start your night. You’ll definitely leave the theatre talking about it and questioning whether the theatre audience were real audience members or whether it was all in your mind, mind, mind...
Tickets are available on the ATG website here: https://www.atgtickets.com/shows/mind-mangler-member-of-the-tragic-circle/palace-theatre-manchester/
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