Bury Council’s first substantive female Chief Executive, Lynne Ridsdale, is leading from the front when it comes to International Women’s Day this week.
Lynne made history last week when she took up the top job last week having worked for several years as the Deputy Chief Executive.
The council is committed to Inclusion and being an inclusive authority with real meaning.
As part of her role which includes being the health and care integration in the borough, Lynne is highlighting the importance of this year’s International Women’s Day theme of equity and attending a wide range of events taking place in the borough.
Her commitment includes listening to the female workforce about their experiences working for the authority and as part of NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care.
International Women’s Day is all about creating a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated.
Events taking place include:
Every Monday
- Join the empowering older women project and learn lots of exciting textile techniques every Monday 11-4 at The Big Fandango, 34 Bolton Street BL9 0LL Bury. Cost is £10
Every Wednesday
- Wellbeing support group for women over 35 with long term health conditions. Support from your peers, come and have a chat and a brew, and get help with confidence, self-esteem, anxiety, friendship, meditation and mindfulness. Led by an experience holistic therapist and wellbeing practitioner with an abundance of lived experience, Every Weds at 12.30-2.30pm at Whitefield Methodist Church, 1 Elms Street, Whitefield, M45 8GQ
Wednesday 8 March
- Women of Worth event at Radcliffe Market at 10-2pm. Fun activities, displays about local inspirational women, artwork and information from local groups
- Information stall in the Millgate Shopping Centre at 10-3pm with help and advice from Bury Council, Six Town Housing, Safenet and others. The event includes a women and girls safety tree building on the White Ribbon Campaign.
- Celebration event With ADAB at the Mosses Centre, Edward Street, Bury, BL9 0RZ at 11am- 3pm. Activities include health checks, exercise and relaxation, relaxation techniques, arts and crafts, music and entertainment, refreshments and more.
- Wonder Woman Awards evening hosted by the BAME Project, ADAB and the JC Foundation Trust to recognise and empower the women of Bury. Takes place at 7-9pm at The Mosses, Cecil Street, Bury, BL9 0SB. Tickets by texting 07368380082 or email thebameprojectbyuf@gmail.com
- Celebrating the amazing women of Bury at The Met at 7-9pm. Join this packed event hosted by The Met’s Creative Case Group with entertainment, arts and crafts, charity stalls and much more. Free tickets from themet.org.uk
Tackling the issue of violence against women and girls
The issue of violence against women and girls and how safe women and girl’s feel are important to making real the aspirations of International Women’s Day theme of equity.
Bury’s Community Safety Partnership is progressing with work to tackle the issues and in the last year work with partners and communities includes teaching about healthy relationships; training for businesses to identify signs of coercion, violence and abuse, and raising awareness of how to report and receive support.
This week members of the partnership will also be going out to community groups and local women’s groups to continue to engage on this work including
- The Women’s Night Safety Charter
- Ask for Angela Scheme
- White Ribbon campaign
- Increasing awareness of Clare’s Law
- Borough wide promotion of the national ‘Enough’ campaign calling for an end to all forms of abuse
… and much more.
“International Women’s Day is more than just about a single day celebration – it’s the focus of a whole range of activity to improve the lives of our female residents and workers,” said Lynne.
“It’s why my appointment as Bury’s first female Chief Executive and the fact that most councils in Greater Manchester have women in the top job, is so important.
“We have progressed so much as an organisation and a society but there is so much still to be done. The women of Bury work to and embody our LET’s Do It community strategy in so many ways.
“We need to make sure the strengths of all our female residents and workers are used to their fully potential, in creating the equitable society that everyone wants to see.
“I encourage everyone – women and men – to get to as many events as they can. As well as meeting our staff during the day myself and our Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Clare Cummins, have been invited to the East Lancashire Railway, where we will be promoting the cause of equity.”
Councillor Richard Gold, Bury Council’s Cabinet member with responsibility for inclusion added: “This International Women’s Day we’re celebrating women’s achievements, and raising awareness of discrimination and the work towards creating an equitable society.
“We all have a responsibility to work towards such a society and Lynne’s historic appointment as our first female Chief Executive means the issue is right at the top of the agenda.”