A special concert will be held to mark the return of the bandstand in Nuttall Park, Ramsbottom.
It takes place on Sunday 1 October, organised by the Friends of Nuttall Park. The ceremony will be led by the Mayor of Bury, followed by musical entertainment from Besses o’ th’ Barn Band.
The park was gifted to the people of Ramsbottom in 1928 by Colonel A.T. Porritt and the original bandstand erected one year later. The wrought iron was later deemed unsafe, however, and was removed in the 1950s leaving just the stone base.
The idea to bring the bandstand back, onto the existing stone plinth, came from the Friends of Nuttall Park and Ramsbottom Heritage Society, in partnership with Bury Council who awarded grant money towards the project.
Work began in 2021 and has recently been completed by Leander from Buxton, who created the original castings.
Councillor Alan Quinn, cabinet member for the environment, climate change and operations, said “This is a momentous occasion, bringing back a heritage asset to Nuttall Park to add to the one in Clarence Park, and looks amazing. This was made possible through our continuous investment into our parks and adds to the 2 additional Green Flags attained this year, which shows our success in this area.”
He added “It is important to be able to work with our local community groups on these successful projects to bring green spaces alive.”
Gwenda Newton, chair of the Friends of Nuttall Park, said: “We are overjoyed that the bandstand is complete and can now be used as it was originally intended for many years to come. It has caused many conversations in Ramsbottom and we hope that people young and old will enjoy it and treat it with respect.
She continued: “We invite everyone to the opening event on 1 October for musical entertainment, food and drink, and hope that this will encourage people to arrange events for the community on the bandstand. Thank you to all those who have helped in the project.”
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