Detailed plans are now being drawn up to create an Enterprise Centre in the current Radcliffe Library.
The flexible, multi-functional centre will provide private offices and bookable ‘hot desks’ to cater for 100 occupiers.
The project is an integral part of the wider Radcliffe Strategic Regeneration, aimed at delivering improvements to health, skills and employability, cultural engagement and economic recovery of the town.
The library is due to move into the new Civic Hub building which is being built as part of the multi-million pound plans to transform Radcliffe town centre.
Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, leader of Bury Council, said: “Creating the right conditions in which existing and future businesses can thrive is an essential part of Radcliffe’s regeneration.
“Lack of employment space is a key issue slowing the economic growth potential of Bury. Our Bury Means Business team receives an average of 25 requests per month for information on land available for employment use, available office space and start up support.
“This proposal will ensure that there is continued public access to this building, not only in providing public access to business support and advice but importantly allowing public access and use of community space in the building. This will be through the provision of bookable meeting space which will be available for rent to both business users and community groups including evening access, wherever possible.”
It is proposed that the existing library be moved into temporary accommodation from the start of library adaptation works in September 2024 until completion of the Hub in August 2025.
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