More local community investment totalling over £162,000 is being delivered across the borough following the latest round of townships funding agreed by Rochdale Borough Council.
Five township committees; Heywood, Middleton, Rochdale North, Rochdale South and the Pennines allocate council funds, including grants for community projects, environmental and highway improvements, events and issues raised by residents that need addressing.
Township Committee funding is designed to give financial backing to projects recommended by residents and community groups that will enhance their local areas.
Some of the improvements have already been made and others will be delivered in early 2022.
In Heywood, funding has been provided for activities and support for young people at the YARD Youth Centre on Argyle Parade and money allocated to Heywood Cricket Club so they can run a junior coaching programme.
Middleton Township has funded public footpath improvements in Bowlee Community Park to improve access along the top of the park and a new children’s play area in Alkrington.
Pennines Township has provided financial support to Milnrow Brass Band and Wardle Anderson Brass Band for the purchase of new instruments. Belfield Art Group have received support to deliver free weekly classes for the local community.
The township will also be paying for new traffic restrictions on Calderbrook Road at the bend near Clough Road, Littleborough after resident concerns were raised that double parking is causing road safety issues.
Recent Rochdale North investment includes a project to tackle isolation by the Kashmir Youth Project, replacing wooden raised beds for flood-resistant breeze block raised beds at Kellett Street allotments and funding an investigation into traffic calming measures on Howard Sreet.
They have provided financial support for new tents for Norden Scouts Group, an additional lighting column on Clarence Street, new fencing on Clover Street car park to address anti-social behaviour and funds to proceed with a traffic regulation order on Edmund Street. In addition, the township committee has funded new salt bins near Meanwood Primary School and the Ashworth Street/Handley Street junction, a new litter bin on Falkland Avenue/Longfield Road plus footway repairs on Colley Street and removal of grass verges on Park Road.
Rochdale South has funded new equipment and facilities for the new 9th Heywood St Michael’s Scout Group new headquarters in Bamford, traffic calming measures on Buersil Avenue/Sedgeley Avenue and a new pathway in Stoneyfield Park to encourage walking in this green space.
As well as this investment, they are financially supporting a Badminton in the Community project to attract those who would not otherwise have the opportunity to participate and contributed towards the refurbishment of plaques that create the Pioneers Trail that identifies graves of the original Rochdale pioneers along with others that were influential in the co-operative movement who are buried in Rochdale Cemetery.
Councillor Sue Smith, cabinet member for communities and co-operation said townships continue to make a big difference: “Residents are driving these schemes and are well placed to understand the challenges and opportunities so I hope this latest funding will be a welcome boost.
"We also want to see more involvement from local residents and community groups. Townships know their areas well and can prioritise local issues promptly, they will do their best to help but we need you to get involved and let us know your ideas, the more people that get involved, the more the council can do.”
To get in touch with the council or report an issue, visit rochdale.gov.uk