Join Shelley Caulfield from Bury Live Well Services when she gives a talk about the menopause at Radcliffe Library.
This free event is on Wednesday 5 July (10am-11am) and places should be booked by ringing Radcliffe Library on 0161 253 7160 or via the Eventbrite page https://www.eventbrite.com/e/menopause-talk-with-shelley-caulfield-wellness-tickets-650016917097
The event takes place during Health information Week (3-9 July), a national information campaign helping people to stay healthy and manage illness effectively, leading to a better quality of life.
- Also, take a look at our Reading Well collections for Children, Teens, Mental Health, Long Term Conditions and Dementia: https://bury.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?QRYTEXT=Reading%20well%20books&GCN=READWELL&QRY=BIBCGF%3AREADWELL%20-%20MINOR%3AITD16&SORTS=SQL_RANDOM
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