Residents are invited to apply for a free street party licence for the King’s Coronation. To ensure celebrations can be staged as easily as possible Rochdale Borough Council have waived road closure fees for the special occasion and will provide free signage as well as support for the event organiser.
The UK will mark the Coronation of The King and The Queen Consort with a three-day bank holiday weekend from Saturday, 6 May to Monday, 8 May.
Councillor Janet Emsley, deputy leader and cabinet member for events said a street party will be a great opportunity to come together with neighbours, friends, and families: “The King’s Coronation marks a momentous time in our history and to celebrate this special occasion, we have waived the fee to close residential roads and made the process easy to encourage as many residents as possible to join in. I hope residents will apply to ensure they have a safe open space to use.”
It’s the first coronation of a monarch in the UK since the late Queen’s ceremony was staged on June 2, 1953.
If you are interested in hosting a street party you must apply before midnight on Monday 20 March. Find out more about applying for a street party and the support available as well as practical advice for organisers at rochdale.gov.uk/newsandevents