Around 400 winter warmer packs for those most in need have been produced and distributed across the borough.
This is a partnership project between Bury Council, Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service, Six Town Housing, Morrisons Whitefield and the Co-op in Whitefield.
There are two types of pack: one containing a range of items to help people keep warm, such as socks, gloves, hat, blanket, draft excluders and hand warmers; and a second is a wellbeing mindfulness pack with creative activities to complete.
Councillor Richard Gold, cabinet member for communities and finance, said: “This is the second year we have distributed winter warmer packs, working with partners and pooling our resources.
“Many households are struggling with the cost of living, especially at this time of year, and we hope that these packs will help make a difference at such a difficult time.”
Picture: Distributing winter warmers packs are (from left) Joanne Smith (public health); Jane Straccia (Six Town Housing); Jon Hobday, Bury’s director of public health; and Katie Jenkinson from Trust House, Metro Christian Centre.